Dear Makayla,
Today you are 11 months old! I can't believe how much you've grown up in the last month. There hasn't been too many physical changes, but in every other way you are growing and learning so quickly. Of course you have started running now and you have discovered you can run AWAY from mommy. Your favorite game is playing "I'm gonna get you!" You squeal in delight and run away from mommy or daddy crawling after you until it ends in you shrieking with laughter as you are caught and tickled! Mommy and daddy love this game as we think laughter is such an important part of every baby's day.
You also LOVE reading books. Your favorite are the Karen Katz lift the flap books. These have been your favorite since 6 months old. Now you love them even more because you have figured out how to lift the flaps yourself. We do still need to help you as you haven't quite learned the concept of being gentle yet! These books would keep you occupied all day if mommy let you. (Seriously I would recommend these books to everyone with babies. They are educational and interactive, while being cute and fun. I just bought the rest of the series for Christmas!)
As mentioned in the previous post you have finally started talking. Your first real word was dada at 10.5 months. A few days later you started saying mama, and mummm along with lots of other babble words.
Just 3 days ago you waved without being prompted when mommy said bye-bye to you. You understand what the word bye means and have associated the action to the word.
You have figured out how to turn on and off the surround sound stereo, eject a DVD from the PS3 AND put it back it (sometimes you miss the slot). You also like to use the PS3 remote and press different buttons repeatedly while watching the tv screen to see what each button does.
Your favorite Baby Einstein movies are Baby Noah and World Animals. Your favorite food is yoghurt and of course Milupa! Your favorite stuffed animal is your bunny and your favorite toys are your mini soccer ball, ballonos and activity table. Your favorite color is....just kidding!
You had your first experience with snow today.
I can't believe you are going to be 1 years old in a month!!!!
xoxo Mommy