Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Makayla finally got 2 new teeth last week! She now has 6. She got 2 more top teeth on either side of the 2 front teeth. The little goober has been so cranky the last 2 weeks it has pracically been unbearable. I was hoping it would end when her 2 teeth came through, but nope. Ugh.

I tried to give Makayla a bubble bath last night, but she wasn't a fan. Once I put the bubbles in the tub she started freaking out and crying. It was pretty funny. Apparently bubble baths are scary! Teehee.

Good news, Makaya's surgery has finally been booked! It is March 9th.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

13 months!

No need for long posts now that Makayla is over a year. However since I bought these stickers for her month 'birthdays' I still planning on posting a picture every month. Here is Makayla at 13 months.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Gigglin' Good Times

Makayla was in a silly mood tonight. We had fun being goofy and giggling.

Makayla and mommy peeking at each other through the balloon

Makayla was a little hyper bouncing in her chair and watching her Brainy Baby ABC's dvd

Mommy and Makayla playing with her new birthday puppy puppets

It was a fun evening! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Makayla's 2nd but feels like 1st Christmas!!!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year spent with family and good friends. In all we had 6 Christmas get togethers. Due to the high volume of photos I will post a few showcase ones and create an album for the rest.

Last year was technically Makayla's first Christmas but since she was only 5 days old it didn't feel like it. This year was alot more real and alot more fun!!!

View all Christmas photos here.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcom 2011!

Happy New Year!!!

We're looking forward to this year and all it has to offer. 2010 was an amazing year thanks to our beautiful daughter. Let's see if this year is just as great!

I hope everyone else has a wonderful and safe year as well.