Dear Makayla,
Last night you went to bed a 1 year old and woke up a 2 year old. Mommy was so excited to run into your bedroom singing Happy Birthday to get you up this morning. You looked at me like I was crazy at first, but it made you giggle.
I've tried to explain to you in simple terms what your birthday is, and although you know something special is going on you don't quite understand yet. However you do love all the presents, extra attention and cake you have been getting.
It is hard for me to believe you were born into this world 2 years ago today. Some days I look back and feel like I just had you. I know everyone says this, but it's true, time really does fly when you have children. You change and grow in a blink of an eye. I remember when you were born, so helpless and new. You were dependant on us in every way even though you were such a strong little fighter. Within 2 weeks you were holding your own head up and had rolled over for the first time by a month. From there your development and independence just exploded. It seemed like every time I turned around you were doing something new. The more you could do the happier you became. At 5 months you started sitting up, and crawling at 6.5 months. Once you started crawling life became so much easier for us. You transformed into a happy little girl; you could finally move and explore. At 9 months you started walking and never looked back.
Now you are a vivacious, silly, adorable, very mischievous and sometimes naughty 2 year old. Daddy and I love your antics and find all the small things you do extremely cute the way only parents could. Other times we want to pull our hair out in frustration when you are being cranky or exerting your new found attitude and will to have things 'your way'.
The past year with you has been wonderful. You have had a couple large growth spurts and are finally caught up to the 'average' height for a toddler your age. You are still a skinny minny.
Over the past several months you have really began talking. It started out slow, but now you have several full sentences and at least 100 words if not more. It's really hard to say since you have so many. Once you get over your shyness of new people, you are very sociable and love to talk to adults and play with other children. You can count to 5 and know parts of your ABCs. You can recognize the letters M and O and you know the colours blue and purple. We will have to work on all of that more this coming year.
You love to read books, colour and play with stickers. You are currently obsessed with Dora and adore anything to do with her. I don't know how this happened and she definitely wouldn't have been my choice of a favorite character, however you saw her once and just fell in love.
Makayla thank-you for opening up the world of parenthood. It may not always be easy, but it is the best thing to happen to us. What a wonderful, amazing thing it is to be a mom. You are such a sweet, special little girl and I love you more and more each day. I cherish every hug, kiss and "la you" that you give me .

We took Makayla to a Christmas display in Langley for a fun evening out