Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Aria Joy - 3 months old!
My little cutie pie is 3 months old today. She now weighs 10lbs 7oz! I cant believe how fast time is flying by.
Makayla & Aria
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Aria Joy - 2 months old!
Dear Aria,
Today you are 2 months old! It will never stop amazing me how fast time flies. We are settling in very nicely as a family. Mommy is exhausted between you at night and Makayla's early mornings. I know it is only temporarily though and definitely worth it!
You smile all the time now when we talk/coo to you and are happy sitting in your bouncer looking around at everything. You are in love with your swing awake or sleeping. We try not to let you sleep in there too often.
You weigh 9lbs 7ounces and are 21.5inches long. Still a little thing, but growing nicely! I put away all your newborn clothing today. 3 month clothes are too big, but 0-3 fit well. You are now in size 1 diapers as well.
I know some people think these 'letters' seem silly, but I hope one day you and Makayla will both be able to read the ones I have written for you.
Today you are 2 months old! It will never stop amazing me how fast time flies. We are settling in very nicely as a family. Mommy is exhausted between you at night and Makayla's early mornings. I know it is only temporarily though and definitely worth it!
You smile all the time now when we talk/coo to you and are happy sitting in your bouncer looking around at everything. You are in love with your swing awake or sleeping. We try not to let you sleep in there too often.
You weigh 9lbs 7ounces and are 21.5inches long. Still a little thing, but growing nicely! I put away all your newborn clothing today. 3 month clothes are too big, but 0-3 fit well. You are now in size 1 diapers as well.
I know some people think these 'letters' seem silly, but I hope one day you and Makayla will both be able to read the ones I have written for you.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Aria Joy - Newborn photos
We had newborn photos of Aria done at 10 days old by Stephanie Steiner Photography. Here our a few photos of our little cutie pie.
And of course a few of our big cutie pie :)
Monday, September 24, 2012
Aria Joy - 1 month old!
Dear Aria,
Today you are 1 month old! It seems like just yesterday you were being placed on my chest by the doctor and I had my first look at you. Your cry was the sweetest sound and I experienced such an incredible and instant love for you. You have completed us in ways I couldn't have imagined. You have made us in to a true family unit, 2 children not just one, a little sister for Makayla and hopefully one day a best friend. I can't wait to watch you both grow up together. Makayla adores you. She loves to hold you, give you kisses and help care for you. I'm looking forward to when you know who she is and return the love. You are such an easy baby, you rarely cry unless hungry, tired or gassy even then it is mostly just fussing. You are laid back and so far the total opposite of your big sister. It is neat to see how different you both are.
You were born at 6lbs 6oz and are now 8lbs 6oz, still little in a lot of peoples eyes but you are my 'big' baby and chubbing up nicely.
I love you tootsie.
xoxo, Mommy
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Friday, August 31, 2012
Aria Joy
We are very excited and happy to announce the arrival of our new baby girl, Aria Joy Renee! She was born on August 24, 2012 at 9:59PM ,weighing in at 6lbs 6oz and 19in long.
She is already a week old and such a sweetheart. Big sister Makayla is totally in love with her and it is adorable watching them together. Makayla is very loving and gentle towards Aria.
She is already a week old and such a sweetheart. Big sister Makayla is totally in love with her and it is adorable watching them together. Makayla is very loving and gentle towards Aria.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Summer Beach Fun!
Took Makayla to the beach with some friends to enjoy this beautiful weather we've been having. It was a lot of fun!
Photo courtesy of Natasha :)

Makayla building her sand castle
Burried feet!
Makayla with her bestie Charlotte
mmm, beach picnic!
Sandy girl
Monday, July 9, 2012
Weekend Getaway at The Glen
We went away last Canada Day Long weekend to our family friends' trailer at The Glen at Mt. Baker. The weather wasn't the greatest but we still had an awesome time. Makayla had so much fun playing outside for 2 days straight. I don't think I heard a whine out of her the whole weekend. HAHA.
Dave & Makayla. She got confused that him and daddy had the same name and kept calling him daddy as well as Dave.
Bike riding!
Daddy chopping wood...this one got a bit stuck, it doesn't look too safe...
Daddy's cheer team, she kept asking him all day to go chop wood so she could watch and cheer.
Stoking the fire
31.5 weeks pregnant
Family photo <3
Daddy and Makayla reading a bedtime story by the fire
And lastly, totally conked out on the drive home. Someone played hard!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Loving Two
Loving Two
I walk along holding your 2-year-old hand, basking in the glow of our magical relationship. Suddenly I feel a kick from within, as if to remind me that our time alone is limited. And I wonder: how could I ever love another child as I love you?
Then he is born, and I watch you. I watch the pain you feel at having to share me as you’ve never shared me before.
I hear you telling me in your own way, “Please love only me.” And I hear myself telling you in mine, “I can’t,” knowing, in fact, that I never can again.
You cry. I cry with you. I almost see our new baby as an intruder on the precious relationship we once shared. A relationship we can never quite have again.
But then, barely noticing, I find myself attached to that new being, and feeling almost guilty. I’m afraid to let you see me enjoying him—as though I am betraying you.
But then I notice your resentment change, first to curiosity, then to protectiveness, finally to genuine affection.
More days pass, and we are settling into a new routine. The memory of days with just the two of us is fading fast.
But something else is replacing those wonderful times we shared, just we two. There are new times – only now, we are three. I watch the love between you grow, the way you look at each other, touch each other.
I watch how he adores you — as I have for so long. I see how excited you are by each of his new accomplishments. And I begin to realize that I haven’t taken something from you, I’ve given something to you. I notice that I am no longer afraid to share my love openly with both of you. I find that my love for each of you is as different as you are, but equally strong. And my question is finally answered, to my amazement. Yes, I can love another child as much as I love you—only differently.
And although I realize that you may have to share my time, I now know you’ll never share my love. There’s enough of that for both of you – you each have your own supply.
I love you—-both. And I thank you both for blessing my life. —Author Unknown
I saw this poem online and had to share. It beautifully describes what so many second time moms feel. I know it is absolutely true and as hard as it is to imagine I know I will love my second as much as I love Makayla, . If anything I almost feel guilty on Makayla's behalf. I feel guilty she will have to share my attention, I feel guilty I will love someone else as much as her, I feel guilty she won't be the only special cutie in my life, and I feel guilty we wanted another, as if to say she isn't enough. I know that the last one is especially silly as we are giving her one of the best gifts you can give your child, a sibling. However I love her so much I sometimes think, why should we want another?
That being said I can't wait to meet our second child and fall head over heals in love all over again. I can't wait to see Makayla and our second baby interact and develop that special sibling bond. I can't wait to know what it is like to love two children the way I love Makayla. I am looking forward to our new bundle of joy with great anticipation. We are truly very blessed.
I walk along holding your 2-year-old hand, basking in the glow of our magical relationship. Suddenly I feel a kick from within, as if to remind me that our time alone is limited. And I wonder: how could I ever love another child as I love you?
Then he is born, and I watch you. I watch the pain you feel at having to share me as you’ve never shared me before.
I hear you telling me in your own way, “Please love only me.” And I hear myself telling you in mine, “I can’t,” knowing, in fact, that I never can again.
You cry. I cry with you. I almost see our new baby as an intruder on the precious relationship we once shared. A relationship we can never quite have again.
But then, barely noticing, I find myself attached to that new being, and feeling almost guilty. I’m afraid to let you see me enjoying him—as though I am betraying you.
But then I notice your resentment change, first to curiosity, then to protectiveness, finally to genuine affection.
More days pass, and we are settling into a new routine. The memory of days with just the two of us is fading fast.
But something else is replacing those wonderful times we shared, just we two. There are new times – only now, we are three. I watch the love between you grow, the way you look at each other, touch each other.
I watch how he adores you — as I have for so long. I see how excited you are by each of his new accomplishments. And I begin to realize that I haven’t taken something from you, I’ve given something to you. I notice that I am no longer afraid to share my love openly with both of you. I find that my love for each of you is as different as you are, but equally strong. And my question is finally answered, to my amazement. Yes, I can love another child as much as I love you—only differently.
And although I realize that you may have to share my time, I now know you’ll never share my love. There’s enough of that for both of you – you each have your own supply.
I love you—-both. And I thank you both for blessing my life. —Author Unknown
I saw this poem online and had to share. It beautifully describes what so many second time moms feel. I know it is absolutely true and as hard as it is to imagine I know I will love my second as much as I love Makayla, . If anything I almost feel guilty on Makayla's behalf. I feel guilty she will have to share my attention, I feel guilty I will love someone else as much as her, I feel guilty she won't be the only special cutie in my life, and I feel guilty we wanted another, as if to say she isn't enough. I know that the last one is especially silly as we are giving her one of the best gifts you can give your child, a sibling. However I love her so much I sometimes think, why should we want another?
That being said I can't wait to meet our second child and fall head over heals in love all over again. I can't wait to see Makayla and our second baby interact and develop that special sibling bond. I can't wait to know what it is like to love two children the way I love Makayla. I am looking forward to our new bundle of joy with great anticipation. We are truly very blessed.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
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