Dear Aria,
Today you are 1 month old! It seems like just yesterday you were being placed on my chest by the doctor and I had my first look at you. Your cry was the sweetest sound and I experienced such an incredible and instant love for you. You have completed us in ways I couldn't have imagined. You have made us in to a true family unit, 2 children not just one, a little sister for Makayla and hopefully one day a best friend. I can't wait to watch you both grow up together. Makayla adores you. She loves to hold you, give you kisses and help care for you. I'm looking forward to when you know who she is and return the love. You are such an easy baby, you rarely cry unless hungry, tired or gassy even then it is mostly just fussing. You are laid back and so far the total opposite of your big sister. It is neat to see how different you both are.
You were born at 6lbs 6oz and are now 8lbs 6oz, still little in a lot of peoples eyes but you are my 'big' baby and chubbing up nicely.
I love you tootsie.
xoxo, Mommy