Dear Makayla,
Today you are 2 months old. You have done alot of growing in the last month and are getting so big! You are almost 9lbs now. You still fit a few newborn sleepers but are mostly in to 0-3 months now. Outfits are still too big though. You are still in newborn diapers as well, but this pack is almost done and then I am going to start you in size 1 diapers. They are still very big on you but I have alot of size 1's to use.
You started rolling at 4 weeks 5 days and have done it several times since. You can only roll from your tummy to back. You get really frustrated when you try to roll from back to tummy because you can't do it yet. You rolled over for daddy for the first time today. He was so proud of you.
You smile all the time now. In the last few days you have started to find your voice as well. I'm sure very soon you will be 'talking' non stop. It is nice you are learning to do something besides crying to express yourself.
Mommy has learned most of your tricks now. It is funny to watch others try to calm you because they don't know your tricks. The normal cuddling and rocking doesn't usually work.
Makayla, keep growing, you make us so proud.
Awww she really is SOOO gorgeous!!! And wow she is growing fast! :-D
What a sweetheart. She is so beautiful! You look amazing as well, mommy-hood looks good on you :)
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