Saturday, March 27, 2010

Baby Sign Language

I'm currently researching baby sign language. I'm just looking in to it to see what it is all about and if it is something I'd be interested in doing with Makayla.

I also need to find out the best way to teach baby sign language. So far I think it looks interesting, but I'm still a bit skeptical. I'm thinking if I do it, I'll just do a few of the basic signs: Eat, thirsty, sleep, more, all done etc.

Has anyone done this with their baby and have an advice? Anyone for or against it and why?


aleelavine said...

I will be interested to see if anyone has any tips as well! We are going to try to do this with our little guy but I'm not sure how to teach it to him.

Marlee said...

A friend of mine did it with her baby and apparently she thought it was the greatest thing ever! I could ask her a bit about it if you would like? I know she said it was extremely helpful in communication, as well as it's great for learning development