Sunday, April 25, 2010

Trying Something New

A few weeks back I set a goal for myself to cook at least one new thing a week I had never done before. This doesn't mean it has to be something completely new or exotic every week. It just means it will be a new recipe or way of preparing a dish. For example one recipe I made was Apple Smothered Pork Chops. I have made pork chops a zillion times, but this was a new way of preparing them.

Once a week I will post the new recipe I made. However I am about 4 weeks behind so I will try to catch up.

Anyway, here is week 1's new dish: Zuppa Tuscana Soup

The soup was delicious! I'd give it a 9 out of 10. Next time I would cut my potato chunks a bit smaller, and maybe added some crushed chilli pepper for spice.

We had garden salad with Italian dressing and warm bread with butter. A copycat of Olive Garden. Yum Yum!


MommyBelle said...

I love trying new recipes and figuring out what needs to be quirked to make it better for next time. It's a good goal to have and keep up with! I should get back into the habit of making something new every week too :)

L ~ S said...

Sounds delicious!

aleelavine said...

This idea is fabulous and I would definitely try to implement it into my life except for I can't even handle what I have goin' on now!!! Haha, I need to get my ducks in order!! Good for you for doing such a great thing!