Saturday, August 21, 2010

Makayla walking with her walker

August 20th - 8 months old

I decided to let Makayla try out her walker and she did surprisingly well. I thought it would be too fast for her, but she kept up.

Here are a couple videos...

Makayla got tired of her walker and decided to go for a crawl. My little turkey is getting fast.


MommyBelle said...

Wow!! Amazing!! :)

Emily said...

Thanks for your comment! I love checking out new blogs. Your daughter is so adorable. She really gets around! My son is the same age, but doesn't crawl or pull up yet (I'm kind of counting my lucky stars). :o)

Emily said...

Thanks for your comment! I love checking out new blogs. Your daughter is so adorable. She really gets around! My son is the same age, but doesn't crawl or pull up yet (I'm kind of counting my lucky stars). :o)

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness! She is adorable..and walking!?! wow!! You must really have your hands full now...

BTW - Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog :)