I have been meaning to update alot sooner.
Makayla's surgery was one week ago. She is doing very well. The first 48 hours were difficult. Within minutes of waking up from her anethestic Makayla started screaming. She screamed the whole time we were in recovery. The only way to even semi calm her down was to nurse. Finally Dave said we should just leave as we couldn't stay all day. Amazingly as soon as we left the room she started to calm, and was totally fine once we got outside. She slept the whole ride home. Once we got home she cried more often then not during her awake time. Poor little girl was in a lot of pain. At 4pm she finally ate some food. Makayla went 22hrs with nothing to eat! The first 2 days were not fun for any of us.
As for the surgery, it went well. The Doctor was able to remove the extra digit and attach the tendons from the extra thumb to the remaining thumb. During surgery it was discovered that Makayla's main thumb did not have a flexor tendon. Luckily the extra thumb did have one and the Plastic Surgeon was able to attach that as well. We had been told that was a possibility, but the surgeon said in all the surgeries he has done it had never happened before.
Makayla will be having her cast removed in 4 weeks. I will update again than. Please pray for Makayla that her thumb will heal properly.
Makayla's surgery was one week ago. She is doing very well. The first 48 hours were difficult. Within minutes of waking up from her anethestic Makayla started screaming. She screamed the whole time we were in recovery. The only way to even semi calm her down was to nurse. Finally Dave said we should just leave as we couldn't stay all day. Amazingly as soon as we left the room she started to calm, and was totally fine once we got outside. She slept the whole ride home. Once we got home she cried more often then not during her awake time. Poor little girl was in a lot of pain. At 4pm she finally ate some food. Makayla went 22hrs with nothing to eat! The first 2 days were not fun for any of us.
As for the surgery, it went well. The Doctor was able to remove the extra digit and attach the tendons from the extra thumb to the remaining thumb. During surgery it was discovered that Makayla's main thumb did not have a flexor tendon. Luckily the extra thumb did have one and the Plastic Surgeon was able to attach that as well. We had been told that was a possibility, but the surgeon said in all the surgeries he has done it had never happened before.
Makayla will be having her cast removed in 4 weeks. I will update again than. Please pray for Makayla that her thumb will heal properly.
Quite an ordeal for such a little sweetheart but she is handling it very well! Love you Makayla!
I didn't know what her surgery was for! She looks so grown up with a cast! I hope the next 4 weeks go ok for you (better than the beginning!
Poor little precious! I hope she's doing better! I'm praying for a quick and complete recovery!
It's been so long since I stopped by here! I can't believe she's already had her surgery! I hope she heals perfectly, quickly, and healthily. Poor girl, that's a lot to go through! Hope you and Dave are doing well through this too :)
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