Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Makayla is 2!

Dear Makayla,

Last night you went to bed a 1 year old and woke up a 2 year old. Mommy was so excited to run into your bedroom singing Happy Birthday to get you up this morning. You looked at me like I was crazy at first, but it made you giggle.

I've tried to explain to you in simple terms what your birthday is, and although you know something special is going on you don't quite understand yet. However you do love all the presents, extra attention and cake you have been getting.

It is hard for me to believe you were born into this world 2 years ago today. Some days I look back and feel like I just had you. I know everyone says this, but it's true, time really does fly when you have children. You change and grow in a blink of an eye. I remember when you were born, so helpless and new. You were dependant on us in every way even though you were such a strong little fighter. Within 2 weeks you were holding your own head up and had rolled over for the first time by a month. From there your development and independence just exploded. It seemed like every time I turned around you were doing something new. The more you could do the happier you became. At 5 months you started sitting up, and crawling at 6.5 months. Once you started crawling life became so much easier for us. You transformed into a happy little girl; you could finally move and explore. At 9 months you started walking and never looked back.

Now you are a vivacious, silly, adorable, very mischievous and sometimes naughty 2 year old. Daddy and I love your antics and find all the small things you do extremely cute the way only parents could. Other times we want to pull our hair out in frustration when you are being cranky or exerting your new found attitude and will to have things 'your way'.

The past year with you has been wonderful. You have had a couple large growth spurts and are finally caught up to the 'average' height for a toddler your age. You are still a skinny minny.

Over the past several months you have really began talking. It started out slow, but now you have several full sentences and at least 100 words if not more. It's really hard to say since you have so many. Once you get over your shyness of new people, you are very sociable and love to talk to adults and play with other children. You can count to 5 and know parts of your ABCs. You can recognize the letters M and O and you know the colours blue and purple. We will have to work on all of that more this coming year.

You love to read books, colour and play with stickers. You are currently obsessed with Dora and adore anything to do with her. I don't know how this happened and she definitely wouldn't have been my choice of a favorite character, however you saw her once and just fell in love.

Makayla thank-you for opening up the world of parenthood. It may not always be easy, but it is the best thing to happen to us. What a wonderful, amazing thing it is to be a mom. You are such a sweet, special little girl and I love you more and more each day. I cherish every hug, kiss and "la you" that you give me .


Makayla's first photo Makayla at 1 year oldMakayla today at 2 years old
Makayla playing with her new kitchen from mommy & daddy
2nd Birthday family photo

We took Makayla to a Christmas display in Langley for a fun evening out

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Decorating

We went to the mall this morning and they had free pumpkin decorating. We decided to take advantage. Makayla is still a little young, but with some help from mommy she managed to decorate her pumpkin. Mommy put on the glue and Makayla stuck on the decor. :) I of course made the face. ;) We had fun. It's a great idea and I will definitely be doing this in the following years either at home or the mall if they have it again. They make for cute Autumn decorations.

View the following photos to see an almost 2 year olds artistic talent...

Makayla is so proud of her "pupin"

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Finger Painting in a Bag

We were stuck in the house last week and Makayla was getting really antsy. I decided to try something new to keep her occupied...Finger painting in a Bag...

It's simple, fun and not messy. Just squirt different colours of finger paint in a ziploc bag, squeeze the air out, seal, tape to a window and voila.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Maan Farms Pumpkin Patch

Last weekend we watched the Trooper clan, Charlotte and William while their parents were away for their anniversary. They behaved wonderfully and we really enjoyed it. Makayla had tons of fun with them. Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch in Abbotsford since we had purchased a Groupon. You'll have to excuse the photo overload, but there is triple the amount of cuteness. ;)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dorothy Leita Moses

In Loving Memory of my Great Grandma Moses:
March 23, 1918 - July 25, 2011

5 Generations

L to R: Great Grandma Moses, Grandma, Mom, Me, Makayla

Great Grandma Moses & Makayla in August 2010. I am so thankful they had the chance to meet.

I have some wonderful memories of my Great Grandma from trips to Nova Scotia over the years growing up. She was a wonderful lady and I am proud to have known her. You will always be loved and missed.

Here is her Obituary:

MOSES, Dorothy Leita (Porter) – 93, of Beaver River Road, passed away in Mavilette, Digby Co., on July 25, 2011. Born March 23, 1918 in Cedar Lake, she was a daughter of the late Roland “Leigh” and Mabel Sophia (Switzer) Porter. Dorothy had a very enquiring mind and read extensively, especially in areas of mysticism and paranormal experiences, including studies of Edgar Cacey. For many years, she did very good needle work and weaving. She was an excellent cook and will be remembered by her grandchildren for her Tusket Island lamb and garlic. She also enjoyed collecting many beautiful things. Dorothy was a person of high integrity. She is survived by daughters, Estella “Joy” (David) Shaw, Hantsport; Fay Ellen Ashley (Allan Sollows), Springdale/Langley, B.C.; brother, Roland Leigh Porter Jr., Gig Harbor, Washington State; sisters, Ann Sorensen, Springdale; Hazel Stos, Springdale; Virginia Weltner, Franklin, PA; eight grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and one great great-grandchild. She was predeceased by husband, Lloyd; a son in infancy; granddaughter, Janice. Cremation has taken place under the direction of Sweeny’s Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Yarmouth. Visitation will take place Wednesday, August 3 from 12 p.m. until the memorial service begins at 2 p.m., from Sweeny’s Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. David Shaw and Rev. Mark Shaw officiating. Interment will follow in Cedar Lake Cemetery. Donations in memory may be made to the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation or Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation. On-line condolences may be sent to: sweenysfh@eastlink.ca or you may sign the guestbook on-line at: www.sweenysfuneralhome.net

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Makayla is 18 months old!

Well this post is 8 days overdue, but better late than never right? Makayla is now over 1/2 way through her 2nd year. And my how she has been growing. In the last 3 months she has grown 2 inches. She now weighs 22lbs and is 31.25" tall. Makayla runs, climbs and everything in between. Her vocabulary has also increased. She says 25+ words, that we understand, probably even more that we don't. She comprehends most things we say to her. She also knows at least 10 words in sign language. This definitely helps us understand her. Makayla's favorite thing right now is to be outside. It doesn't matter if she is exploring, at the park, out for a walk, or in a pool, as long as she is outside she is happy. Her favorite toy is her bubble wand. She would play with that all day if we let her. She also likes her teddies and reading books with us or alone. She also loves playing "If You are Happy and You Know It". I must admit I think she is just the cutest when she does it. Especially when I find her singing and doing the actions by herself.

Along with all the fun and joy she brings we have also been dealing with her independence the last little while. It has really started to show. What a little personality Makayla has. She's a bundle of energy that is for sure and I wouldn't want it any other way. :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Walk for MS 2011

This post is extremely overdue as our Walk for MS was at the beginning of May. However I thought I'd just quickly share our Team Roy photo.

I'm already looking forward to next year. We plan on starting fundraising way earlier. I'd like to triple what we raised this time. Thank-you so much to all that donated. It really is appreciated.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

3 years!

I married my best friend 3 years ago today. He is the most wonderful husband and father. I couldn't be more blessed.

Since our anniversary fell on a week day we celebrated on the weekend. We had a wonderful time. I forgot my camera at home so there are no pictures. Marg spoiled us with some baby free time. We dropped Makayla off at her house at 1pm and she had her very first sleepover. I was so worried, but Makayla did great!

Wow I can't believe how fast time flies especially now that we have our wonderful little girl Makayla.

Happy Anniversary honey. I love you
Go Canucks Go!

Interesting fact:

It has been exactly 17 years since Canucks last won the Western Conference Final on Tuesday May 24, 1994 in 2OT. Score 4-3

Tonight we won on Tuesday May 24, 2001 in 2OT. Score 3-2.

Stanley Cup here we come :D
Yah Canucks!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

15+ months!

Ok I know this post is a little late as Makayla turned 15 months on the 20th! It's really just an excuse to update.

Last Sunday Makayla said her first animal sound, BAA for sheep! I was so proud! She has said it a few times since when asked.

Makayla isn't talking a ton yet, but she does know a few more words. Her vocabulary includes: Mommy, daddy, no, yes/yep, hi, bye, done, up, ummy/nummy (she says this when asking for food), cat, and a few more occasional words. She is getting very good at showing us what she wants even when she doesn't know the words.

A few weeks ago Makayla was teething really badly and VERY cranky! I had never seen her this bad. Well it turns out she was getting 6, yes 6 or more teeth at once. She had 5 teeth (3 molars) come through within a week . 2 more have just come through and there is at least one more on the way. She now has 7 new teeth for a total of 13 teeth. Makayla was a little slow at getting her teeth, but I guess she caught up with a bang! It's weird seeing 4 prong teeth in her mouth. She looks so grown up.

My baby isn't a baby anymore. :( I can't believe how fast they grow.

Walk for MS

Hi everyone! Dave, Makayla and I are doing the Walk for MS (Multiple Sclerosis) for the first time this year. As some of you my know my SIL has MS. Please help us support her by pledging. If you would like to donate here is the link.


Click "pledge a participant" then enter Team Roy or search Naomi, Dave or Makayla Roy individually.

Thank-you all in advance for your giving. We appreciate it so much. This is important to us. <3

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Makayla's Surgery

I have been meaning to update alot sooner.

Makayla's surgery was one week ago. She is doing very well. The first 48 hours were difficult. Within minutes of waking up from her anethestic Makayla started screaming. She screamed the whole time we were in recovery. The only way to even semi calm her down was to nurse. Finally Dave said we should just leave as we couldn't stay all day. Amazingly as soon as we left the room she started to calm, and was totally fine once we got outside. She slept the whole ride home. Once we got home she cried more often then not during her awake time. Poor little girl was in a lot of pain. At 4pm she finally ate some food. Makayla went 22hrs with nothing to eat! The first 2 days were not fun for any of us.

As for the surgery, it went well. The Doctor was able to remove the extra digit and attach the tendons from the extra thumb to the remaining thumb. During surgery it was discovered that Makayla's main thumb did not have a flexor tendon. Luckily the extra thumb did have one and the Plastic Surgeon was able to attach that as well. We had been told that was a possibility, but the surgeon said in all the surgeries he has done it had never happened before.

Makayla will be having her cast removed in 4 weeks. I will update again than. Please pray for Makayla that her thumb will heal properly.

Makayla's extra digit on her left hand Waiting for surgery Mommy and Makayla reading Makayla still pretty loopy on the car ride home after surgery
We had to take Makayla home in her hospital gown as nothing I brought fit over her cast.
The next day: All ready to go for a walk with mommy and daddy

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We got the phone call. Makayla's surgery is at 10:15am tomorrow. We have to be there an hour early.

Makayla is all tucked away in bed and has eaten her last meal until after her surgery. She is going to be one hungry baby!

I know it is a minor surgery, but please be praying!
The big day is almost upon us! Tomorrow is Makayla's surgery on her hand! I'm anxiously waiting for it to be 12pm so I will get a call telling me what time her surgery is tomorrow. I sure hope it's early as Makayla needs to fast for at least 12 hours. Therefore the last thing she will eat will be right before bed.

Come on time. Hurry up and be noon.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Makayla finally got 2 new teeth last week! She now has 6. She got 2 more top teeth on either side of the 2 front teeth. The little goober has been so cranky the last 2 weeks it has pracically been unbearable. I was hoping it would end when her 2 teeth came through, but nope. Ugh.

I tried to give Makayla a bubble bath last night, but she wasn't a fan. Once I put the bubbles in the tub she started freaking out and crying. It was pretty funny. Apparently bubble baths are scary! Teehee.

Good news, Makaya's surgery has finally been booked! It is March 9th.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

13 months!

No need for long posts now that Makayla is over a year. However since I bought these stickers for her month 'birthdays' I still planning on posting a picture every month. Here is Makayla at 13 months.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Gigglin' Good Times

Makayla was in a silly mood tonight. We had fun being goofy and giggling.

Makayla and mommy peeking at each other through the balloon

Makayla was a little hyper bouncing in her chair and watching her Brainy Baby ABC's dvd

Mommy and Makayla playing with her new birthday puppy puppets

It was a fun evening! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Makayla's 2nd but feels like 1st Christmas!!!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year spent with family and good friends. In all we had 6 Christmas get togethers. Due to the high volume of photos I will post a few showcase ones and create an album for the rest.

Last year was technically Makayla's first Christmas but since she was only 5 days old it didn't feel like it. This year was alot more real and alot more fun!!!

View all Christmas photos here.